Trivia Night: Casual Gala - Fri. Feb. 28 at Presidential Banquet Center - Check-in 6:30pm; Trivia immediately at 7pm = CASUAL dress (we do mean that :)
Trivia Night: Casual Gala - Fri. Feb. 28 at Presidential Banquet Center - Check-in 6:30pm; Trivia immediately at 7pm = CASUAL dress (we do mean that :)
501(c)3 non-profit organization
unafaa is a Swahili word, meaning “you matter”
You matter
Children need to hear, “You Matter. You have a purpose.” Words can be life-giving. They can affirm, encourage, and build up. Words can speak into exposed wounds, broken expectations, and crippling fear. We are called to love and protect the most vulnerable-- which is our children. Whether stateside or thousands of miles away, you have been called to love. It can seem so overwhelming and defeating and scary. But, it starts with one. Love one. Encourage one. Sponsor one. Care for one. Pour into one. Disciple one. Pray for one. Instead of thinking you won’t make an impact or being fearful about what can be done, pray for opportunities to love His children. We are all capable of being used for His purpose and work.
Written By: Ambassador, Stephanie Daniell
About US
Find out more about our organization, mission, directors and our ambassadors for Unafaa.
Learn more about the ministries of Unafaa and how YOU can be a part of making a DIFFERENCE.